About Us 

reWEARable is a non-profit organization with the mission of providing young girls with a newfound confidence. Through donations, this charity provides dresses and accessories to girls for prom who may not otherwise be able to afford them. reWEARable also strives to improve the urban Detroit area by making young girls feel special and beautiful on their prom night.

We are calling on all mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, and friends whose closet could use a good clean out. Our organization celebrates all shapes and sizes, making sure to reach the hearts of all girls in the community. Our efforts are made possible through donations and help from both the local community and organizations who care as much as we do about the magic of prom.

reWEARable's Journey

Starting as a freshman in high school, I partnered with an organization in California and began collecting dresses in my area and donating them to this organization. It felt great to help but I knew it would be more rewarding to directly benefit the community that I live in. My sophomore year I partnered with a resale shop in the Detroit metropolitan area. Between those two years, we were able to collect over 300 dresses. I combined my knowledge learned from both these projects and was able to bring my vision to life.

At the beginning of my junior year, I launched reWEARable. In it's first year, we were able to provide over 1,000 dresses, shoes, and accessories for girls for girls in the metropolitan Detroit area. Now entering my final year of high school, I am more excited than ever to continue growing this organization that helps so many young girls. We are looking to continue hosting donation events and dress up even more girls to send to prom than we did last year!